I would certainly advise you to pick a tin up, if you can still find it. Tasting notes of graham cracker, nuts, and creamy milk are part of this tobacco’s profile. This blend has a soft, mild characteristic to its smoke and yields a very pleasant room note. Larsen 2017 Craftsman Edition is certainly one of those examples. Tasting Notes: There are times when you can just taste the quality in the base tobaccos used within a blend. Nutty and sweet with tasting notes of vanilla, wood, cinnamon, and earthy richness, this is an excellent blend for someone looking to make the switch from Aromatics to English or vice versa.īlend Components: Black Cavendish Burley Virginia Bald Headed Teacher by 4 Noggins is what I classify as a Burley based crossover blend. Tasting Notes: Although I have smoked this blend consistently over the past 3 years, it has never made an appearance on any of my Top 5 lists. I hope you enjoy the following list and stay tuned for my Top 5 Cigars of 2017.īlend Components: Burley Latakia Virginia

In all, I am excited to share with you the full scope of my enjoyments and disappointments for 2017. I do however understand, that with any natural product, the future may hold different outcomes as my own taste desires shift and tobacco changes over time. Similar to years past, if you follow my YouTube channel, these two blends either didn’t hold up to the quality level I find appropriate or just didn’t mend well with my own palate. In this post, you will find my top 5 pipe tobaccos along with my top 2 disappointments for 2017. Fingers crossed for hopeful outcomes in the new year. With this being said, I feel the tobacco industry has a strong foothold regarding deeming legislation, but there is still much more to come in 2018. During 2017 we also experienced several major political shifts and finally received more insight into the deeming FDA regulations. Well it is now official, I am a pipe smoker who still dabbles in cigars. In previous years, I have wholeheartedly been a cigar smoker who also smoked a pipe. I must admit that 2017 was full of many great bowls of pipe tobacco and for the first time in my life, I smoked my pipe more than cigars.